11 October, 2019 6:03 PM

Trumps Bigoted & Misguided Public Charge Regulation Blocked by the Courts


Trumps Bigoted & Misguided Public Charge Regulation Blocked by the Courts

Federal Judge Blocks a regulation to reject low income visa and green card applications



October 11, 2019

LOS ANGELES, CA – Today several federal courts blocked the Trump Administration’s bigoted & misguided public charge regulation from taking effect. Until further notice, using Medi-Cal, Food Stamps & housing assistance won’t count against immigrants applying for legal permanent residence in the U.S. Several federal judges issued a temporary injunctions that prevent Trump’s public charge rule from taking effect. 

Daniel Sharp, Legal Director at the Central American Resource Center of Los Angeles issued the following statement:

“This hateful, racist rule was designed to target low income green card holders and visa applicants. It was an effort to punish immigrants and impose even greater obstacles to those trying to regularize their status. While it is important to acknowledge this as a great victory, the reality is that this is far from over. The administration is sure to appeal and is doing everything possible to exclude immigrant communities from the legal process. 

It is necessary to remind immigrant communities that consequential decisions affecting ones health should not be made based on fear but rather accurate legal information and a clear understanding of the resources available. CARECEN-LA encourages individuals who are concerned about the impact of the public charge rule on their lives to get individual legal advice before cancelling health or other benefits.

Some rules have already changed for people applying for visas abroad, and people who must leave the U.S. and undergo “consular processing” in order to complete the application for permanent residence.  People in those circumstances should also seek individual legal advice about the impact of the rules that have already changed. 

Today’s victories in the courts may be temporary, but they give a strong indication that this Administration’s efforts to reinterpret public charge are unlawful and will not succeed.



MEDIA CONTACT: Armando Carmona (951)-966-6500, [email protected]

Martin Pineda, (213)-712-4022, [email protected] 


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