25 February, 2022 4:36 PM

CARECEN Stands in Solidarity with the People of Ukraine During This Time of War

CARECEN Stands in Solidarity with the People of Ukraine During This Time of War  

CARECEN Calls on the Biden Administration to Immediately Designate Temporary Protected Status or Deferred Enforced Departure for Ukraine  

Los Angeles, CA – CARECEN stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine during this uncertain time. CARECEN also calls on the Department of Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas and President Biden to take swift action in maximizing humanitarian relief and immediately designate Temporary Protected Status (TPS) or Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) and Special Student Relief (SSR) for Ukraine. Now is the time to stand with the Ukrainian community and double down on immediate relief policies necessary to address the critical needs of Ukrainian refugees and protect the over 30,000 noncitizen Ukrainians living in the U.S.  

“The Ukrainian community is in our thoughts and prayers as armed conflict escalates in Ukraine.  Now more than ever the Biden Administration must activate its readily available humanitarian relief protections and policies for Ukrainians living in the U.S. who cannot be safely returned to Ukraine and support Ukrainian refugees in need. TPS and DED were created to be able to respond to catastrophic situations like the one we witness now. There is no reason for delayed inaction in declaring TPS or DED for Ukraine. It is clear that the country conditions in Ukraine satisfy requirements for TPS or DED under existing law; it is also the humane thing to do,” said Martha Arevalo, Executive Director.,” said Martha Arevalo, Executive Director.  

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