27 February, 2024 6:00 AM

Breaking: TPS Beneficiaries Celebrate the Conclusion of the Ramos Litigation 6 years after its initial Filing


The plaintiffs and lawyers involved in the Ramos v. Mayorkas TPS court case have decided not to continue with the litigation, bringing it to its official end.

Nationwide-  On March 12, 2018, TPS holders from across the country mobilized to San Francisco, California, to support the seven brave plaintiffs and their lawyers as they filed a federal lawsuit to block the Trump Administration's termination of TPS for Haiti, Sudan, El Salvador, and Nicaragua. Another lawsuit was filed in February 2019 for nationals of Honduras and Nepal in the Bhatharrai v. Nielson lawsuit. 

This lawsuit became a lifeline and the hope for thousands of families. In its first year, it resulted in an injunction that halted the termination of TPS, allowing thousands to maintain their TPS throughout many years of litigation. In June 2023, after years of efforts and advocacy, TPS holders from Haiti, Sudan, El Salvador, Nepal, Honduras, and Nicaragua succeeded in obtaining the rescission of the Trump-era terminations of their status and extensions of TPS.

Yesterday, February 26, 2024, marked the final day for the lawyers and plaintiffs to appeal and continue with the lawsuit, but no appeal will be submitted. The case has reached its final stage unless new litigation is necessary in the future. 

In response, the Central American Resource Center of LA issued the following statements:

"It's hard to imagine what could have been if it had not been for the brave plaintiffs and lawyers of this litigation, " said Camila Alvarez, CARECEN Co-Legal Director. This lawsuit absolutely achieved its ultimate goal of keeping TPS families together. Unfortunately, this doesn’t mean that TPS holders are in the clear. We must continue to advocate to prevent any new or former administrations from attempting to assault TPS families once again. CARECEN-LA will always be at the forefront, fighting for permanent protections for all TPS holders and migrant communities. 

CARECEN is proud to have served over 300  families during the latest re-registration of TPS for Salvadorans, and we are actively working to ramp up efforts to facilitate initial and re-registration applications for all other countries that are now eligible. This achievement would not have been possible without the tremendous efforts of TPS holders advocating in the streets, courts, and the halls of Congress. While this litigation comes to an end, the fight is far from over. We continue to call on Congress to pass legislation that protects immigrants, not harm them. 

Today we celebrate. We celebrate all of our victories and milestones we have achieved, said” Evelyn Hernandez, CARECEN TPS Coordinator. “As a former TPS holder who continues to organize TPS holders in LA, I can't express enough how important this lawsuit was for me and my family. Unfortunately, this isn't the case for many TPS families who don’t have the same avenue as I did. We are grateful for the TPS litigation and all it did for us, but we need to call on Congress to pass immigration relief for many migrant families.”


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