02 November, 2020 10:08 AM

CARECEN-LA Stands in Solidarity with BLM Activists Nationwide

CARECEN-LA Stands in Solidarity with BLM Activists Nationwide

We stand in solidarity with Black leaders and Black groups that continue to face threats and acts of intimidation amidst one of the most important elections of our time. 

Systemic racism currently drives the political culture nationwide and is being normalized by the White House. Acts of intimidation and threats against communities of color are part of a longstanding tradition to suppress voters and criminalize dissent. 

Last week, we learned about reports that BLM activists and others actively speaking against racism were listed as potential targets by white supremacists. We are outraged and will not stop fighting for everyone's right to protest, to defend Black lives, stand up for immigrant lives, and protect democracy.

We call on all communities to denounce these threats, protect each other, mobilize and continue the fight against hate, white supremacy, racism, and injustice.



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