07 March, 2023 4:20 PM

Reports Indicate that Biden Administration to Consider a Return to Cruel and Inhumane Family Detention Center’s

In an exclusive report, the New York Times revealed the Biden administration is strongly considering the return of family detention centers. 

Martha Arevalo, Executive Director of the Central American Resource Center has Issued the Following Statement:

“The federal government has consistently failed to find a just and humane system to protect and admit refugees into the U.S. Family detention centers are a direct result of failed proposals for immigration reform in congress and xenophobic policies that block migrants from seeking refuge in the United States.”

“A consideration to reopen family detention centers is disgraceful as these centers have torn families apart and terrorized migrant communities. Detention for these families is inhumane and has been proven time and time again to create physical and lifelong psychological harm. The Biden Administration must go back and review its campaign promises committing to end the former administration’s racist and anti-immigrant policies. Detention and incarceration for people seeking protections under our laws is not the answer.”


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